Mitsipedia:Site History

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Revision as of 08:16, 7 August 2011 by Administrator (talk | contribs)
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This page lists the technical history of the site

  • 7 August 2011 - Moved to domain name, upgraded to Mediawiki 1.16.5
  • 26 December 2009 - Upgraded to MediaWiki 1.15.1
  • 5 April 2009 - Upgraded to MediaWiki 1.14.0
  • 20 April 2007 - Upgraded to Mediawiki 1.9.3
  • 1 March 2006 - Upgraded to Mediawiki 1.5.6, repaired broken search index
  • 26 December 2005 - Templatised featured sections of the front page, providing a synopsis of each. Introduced a Creative Commons licence
  • 23 November 2005 - Software upgraded to Mediawiki 1.5.2. This resulted in massive updates to the backend database to handle to new software and it's schema
  • 22 November 2005 - After Try n Save's hosting went down for 3 days and the hosting company was uncontactable, both sites were moved to a new host. As backups were lost between 7-22 November 2005 some site content had been lost.
  • 30 September 2005 - Site moved to dedicated hosting with [|Try n Save]
  • 28 September 2005 - Software upgrade to Mediawiki 1.4.10
  • 13 August 2005 - Site started with [|Mediawiki 1.4.7] on a 512/128 DSL Connection